[ Browse by Service Category : Topics Related to Educational Programs (95) ]
Correctional Education
Programs that provide educational services for adults or youth who are in correctional institutions. Included are academic and vocational training classes that may focus on basic skills (reading, writing, listening, mathematics), English or French language skills, CAEC or other high school equivalency preparation and testing, life skills, personal and interpersonal skills, vocational skills, and leisure education; may be credit or noncredit; and may be provided in a classroom setting or through alternative delivery methods including correspondence courses, computer education programs and independent study.
Educational Exchange Programs
Programs that develop, implement, promote and/or manage exchange programs in which high school students, undergraduate and graduate students, university and college faculty or other educational personnel from Canada study, teach or engage in other educational activities abroad while foreign scholars and educators from those countries come to the Canada. Also included are programs that arrange short-term study and observation visits by foreign leaders and professionals who meet and consult with Canadians who are active in their fields.
The above terms and definitions are part of the Taxonomy of Human Services, used here by permission of INFO LINE of Los Angeles.