[ Browse by Service Category : Topics Related to Child Care Provider Associations (2) ]

Child Care Provider Training

Programs that provide pre-service or in-service training for individuals entering or currently involved in the delivery of child care services in any of a variety of child care settings. The training may focus on the elements of a safe and healthy environment, childhood development, behaviour management, inclusion of children with special needs and developmentally appropriate practices.

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Child Care Expense Assistance

Programs that cover all or part of the cost of child care in public and licensed private child care centres or private family child care homes, usually for low-income families or families which include children with disabilities in situations where parents are working, in school or in a training program. Also included are programs that pay the costs of in-home or out-of-home child care when the parent is receiving diagnostic tests, undergoing medical treatment, is hospitalized or needs to be out of the house for other reasons; and those that provide financial assistance to families with young children to help cover some of the costs of a parent staying home to care for their child.

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Child Care Providers

Programs that provide substitute parental care in a group setting for children during some portion of a 24-hour day. Services may include recreational and developmental activities and snacks and/or meals as appropriate.

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Child Care Provider Referrals

Programs that provide provincial and community-based services that are designed to improve the availability and quality of child care. These programs maintain lists of child care resources and link families who are in need of child care services with child care centres, licensed family child care homes and other organization-based providers; provide information that helps families become good consumers of child care services; recruit new child care providers to expand the availability of the service locally; provide training and technical assistance for providers; and collect and disseminate data which document the demand for child care services and the current availability of child care resources. Some programs may also make referrals to preschools and many provide referrals to children's play groups.

[ View Programs and Services (5) | Related Topics ]

The above terms and definitions are part of the Taxonomy of Human Services, used here by permission of INFO LINE of Los Angeles.

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