[ Browse by Service Category : Community Groups and Government/Administrative Offices : Sub-Topics of Administrative Entities (88) ]
City Government Departments/Offices
Divisions of city, town, township, borough, village or other local government units that are responsible for overseeing the delivery of designated services to the public and managing other municipal government functions.
County Government Departments/Offices
Divisions of county governments that are responsible for overseeing the delivery of designated services to the public and managing other county government functions.
Federal Government Departments
The principle executive divisions of the federal government of Canada which include departments, agencies, Crown corporations, special operating agencies and various affiliated organizations.
Nongovernmental Agency Departments
Divisions of businesses or nonprofit agencies that are responsible for developing products or delivering designated services to the public. Departments of NGOs are generally led by a manager, supervisor, director or vice president.
Provincial/Territorial Government Departments
The principle divisions of provincial government including agencies, corporations and other entities formally established by statute, by a regulation under an enabling statute or by an Order-in-Council to which authority and responsibility to perform a public function or service has been assigned. Included are agencies with advisory, regulatory or adjudicative functions, operational agencies that provide goods and services to the public with little or no fees, operational enterprises that sell goods and services to the public, Crown foundations and trusts.
The above terms and definitions are part of the Taxonomy of Human Services, used here by permission of INFO LINE of Los Angeles.