[ Browse by Service Category : Organizational/Community/International Services : Sub-Topics of International Affairs (29) ]

Embassies/Consulates Abroad

Canadian diplomatic missions (embassies) generally located in the capital city of a foreign country that are responsible for representing the home country abroad and handling foreign diplomatic affairs as well as looking after the welfare of citizens who are living in that country; and sub offices (consulates) located in other major cities that are responsible for minor diplomatic issues, safeguarding resident and travelling citizens and promoting and protecting trade and the interests of businesses operating on foreign soil. Everyday consular functions include processing and granting passports and visas, inspection of ships bound for the consulate's home nation and assistance in the resolution of legal issues between its citizens and local authorities. The member countries of the Commonwealth of Nations do not exchange ambassadors but instead utilize the office of High Commissioner between member countries.

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International Development Programs

Programs that provide technical assistance, training and personal and material resources to support the capacity-building efforts of developing nations with a focus on areas (such as agricultural and rural development, health, education, social welfare, small business development and industrial growth) which facilitate the host country's ability to provide for the basic needs of its people.

[ View Programs and Services (14) ]

International Human Rights Programs

Programs that work to protect individuals around the world from denial of civil rights and liberties or from other arbitrary governmental interference, harassment, or abuse due to their political or religious beliefs, race, colour, gender, language, disability, national or ethnocultural origin, property, or other status.

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International Relief

Programs that provide emergency services and humanitarian aid for countries that are affected by conflict, natural disaster or poverty and whose populations have been deprived of food, shelter and other resources essential for survival.

[ View Programs and Services (9) ]

International Understanding/Peace Programs

Programs that promote harmony and understanding among nations either globally or in a particular region of the world; discourage weapons development or proliferation or other activities that would contribute to a renewed arms race; engage in activities that promote peaceful ways of managing and settling international conflicts; or encourage mutual understanding between citizens of different countries through educational and cultural exchange programs and other activities that enable people to develop an appreciation for other societies, their culture and traditions.

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