[ Browse by Service Category : Target Populations : Sub-Topics of Transients (31) ]

At Risk for Homelessness

Individuals or families who are at risk for becoming homeless because they are unable to make their rent or mortgage payment and face eviction or foreclosure or who have already lost their permanent residence and are "doubled up", i.e., are staying temporarily with friends or relatives.

[ View Programs and Services (3) | Related Topics ]

Homeless People

Individuals and families who have no fixed, regular and adequate residence, who are residing temporarily with relatives or friends or who live on the street, in emergency or transitional shelters, in a hotel or motel paid for with a shelter voucher, in seriously substandard housing or in an abandoned building, place of business, car or other vehicle, or other public or private place that is not ordinarily used as a regular sleeping accommodation for people. Some people who are homeless have issues with substance abuse, chronic or severe mental illness, chronic unemployment or underemployment, or other problems that prevent them from obtaining housing.

[ Sub-Topics | View Programs and Services (16) ]


People whose permanent places of residence are elsewhere and who are visiting a particular community or travelling through the community on their way to another destination. Included are motorists who are stranded due to a breakdown or other unforeseen problems.

[ View Programs and Services (14) ]

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