Organization / Program Name(s) Located In
Burlington. Office of the City Clerk, Burlington Accessibility Advisory CommitteeBurlington
Burlington. Office of the City Clerk, Burlington City Hall, Burlington Agricultural and Rural Affairs Advisory CommitteeBurlington
Burlington. Office of the City Clerk, Burlington Cycling Advisory CommitteeBurlington
Burlington. Office of the City Clerk, Burlington Downtown Parking Advisory CommitteeBurlington
Burlington. Office of the City Clerk, Burlington Inclusivity Advisory CommitteeBurlington
Burlington. Office of the City Clerk, Burlington Integrated Transportation Advisory CommitteeBurlington
Burlington. Office of the City Clerk, Burlington Seniors Advisory CommitteeBurlington
Burlington. Office of the City Clerk, Burlington Sustainable Development Advisory CommitteeBurlington
Burlington. Office of the City Clerk, Heritage Burlington Advisory CommitteeBurlington
Empowerment Council (Addiction and Mental Health), Systemic Advocacy and EducationToronto
Halton Hills. Recreation & Parks, Town of Halton Hills Youth ServicesHalton Hills
Halton. Public Works, Halton Solid Waste Management Advisory CommitteeOakville
Halton. Social and Community Services, Older Adult Advisory CommitteeOakville
Lao Association of OntarioToronto
Milton. Community Services, Milton Youth Task ForceMilton
OCASI - Ontario Council of Agencies Serving Immigrants, OCASIToronto
PCHS, PCHS BramptonBrampton
PCHS, PCHS MississaugaMississauga