You performed a search for: Organization: Kidney Foundation of Canada

There are 1 record(s) that match your criteria.

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Burlington Burlington
Halton Hills Halton Hills
Hamilton (City of) Hamilton (City of)
Milton Milton
Oakville Oakville
Kidney Foundation of Canada, Ontario Branch
2316 Fairview St, Burlington On L7R 2E4
  •  To provide great customer service and be a customer ambassador.
  • Welcome customers at the main entrance and thank them for supporting your charity and assist with doors
  •  Provide information on games, programs, and promotions, answer questions etc. 
  • Circulate in Cabinet Game area ‐ chat with customers when appropriate.
  • If requested by the operator ‐ assist with promotions –‐ e.g., handing out ballots, prizes.
  • Support approved charity awareness initiatives from your charity ‐ e.g., displays, 
    brochures, giveaways, or gifts. 
  • May also assist with delivery of food and non‐alcoholic beverages return food trays to 
    kitchen area, assist with clean‐up (used bingo paper, etc.) – and assist with call-backs of 
    bingo winners (you will be shown how if this is required).