You performed a search for: Skills / Experience: Skilled Labour

There are 2 record(s) that match your criteria.

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Burlington Burlington
Halton Hills Halton Hills
Hamilton (City of) Hamilton (City of)
Milton Milton
Oakville Oakville
Country Heritage Park, Food and Farm Education, Field Trip Venue, Private Tours, Heritage Venue, Event Venue and Operational Farm
8560 Tremaine Road, Milton (near Kelso Conservation Area & 401)

Seeking Volunteers! Whether you love the great outdoors, have a knack for heritage preservation, enjoy sewing, are handy with tools, or have unique interests or any multitude of different activities, we have a place for you! Join our dynamic team and make real impact. Help us maintain natural beauty, preserve history, mend textiles, tackle maintenance tasks, whip up culinary delights, or share your special skills. Your passion matters. Be part of something meaningful. Contact us today to volunteer your time and talents. Together, we will create lasting memories and strengthen our community #VolunteerOpportunity #MakeADifference

Community Living Oakville

Are you interested in helping others and improving your community? 

Are you a part of a workplace, school, community, or corporate group, a group of friends or a family interested in community service?

The Kind Neighbours Project may have a role exactly for you. We are looking for groups to help with a variety of projects, including:

  • Creating/building a garden
  • Yard tidying/spring cleaning
  • Raking leaves/shoveling snow/mowing a lawn
  • Home maintenance/simple repairs/painting
  • Hosting a recreation & leisure activity
  • Hosting a special event/fundraiser

If you have a new idea for CLO, we would love to hear from you.