[ Browse by Service Category : Topics Related to Housing/Shelter (176) ]
Organizations that provide electric, natural gas, home heating fuel, telephone, water, sewer or cable services for residential and business consumers; manage the connection and repair of utility services; and/or offer financial assistance or other forms of support for people who are at risk of having their utilities shut off.
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Landlord/Tenant Assistance
Programs that provide assistance, information and support for tenants and/or landlords who are involved in rental housing disputes; or which administer provincial laws or local ordinances which govern rent control and other aspects of tenant/landlord relations.
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Leisure Accommodations
Establishments that provide overnight lodging, meals and a variety of personal services for individuals, families and groups who are doing business or vacationing in the area.
Housing Development
Programs that monitor and analyze the current housing environment in a community and provide support for the development, finance, management and preservation of a mix of decent, safe and affordable housing for individuals and families of all income levels. Housing development programs improve the livability of communities, expand home ownership opportunities, build a strong tax base, encourage safe streets and empower neighbourhoods and communities to flourish.
Housing Advocacy Groups
Organizations that advocate for constructing, renovating or otherwise improving the availability of safe, affordable rental and purchasable housing for low-income individuals and families, older adults, people with disabilities, migrant workers and others who are unable to purchase a home or rent a home or apartment under current market conditions or who are forced to spend an excessively large proportion of their income on housing to the detriment of other necessities.
The above terms and definitions are part of the Taxonomy of Human Services, used here by permission of INFO LINE of Los Angeles.